The Center for Parenting and Family

Nurit Kochavi, Head of the School
Nurit Kochavi, Head of the Center

The Center for Parenting and Family

The post-modern era presents challenges to parents that were unknown in previous times. On the one hand, the challenges are faced by emerging societies that have come in touch with super-technological culture in one sudden jump from years of traditional and conservative practices. On the other hand, the "model" family can consist of one parent, two parents, same sex parents, and siblings from a number of spouses. In addition, the changing economic situation presents new conditions of employment and unemployment. Therefore, good parenting involves intellectual energy and flexibility as well as caring and affect.

The Center has reflected the need for flexibility and adaptability in the goals it has set for itself:

  • Creation and dissemination of knowledge concerning parenting in the post-modern era.
  • Provision of organizational counseling to communities and organizations that want to develop parental involvement in their children's education.
  • The facilitation of networking among all those involved in the field of parenting in the communities in the Region.
  • Provision of training for instructors and leaders of parenting courses throughout the various communities within the Region.
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המכללה האקדמית לחינוך ע"ש קיי בבאר-שבע, בע"מ
מבית הסוכנות היהודית
טלפון : 08-6402777 | פקס : 08-6413020 | רחוב עזריאל ניצני 6 , ת"ד 4301 באר שבע 8414201

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