Kaye In Context

Kaye In Context

Kaye College operates as a "college in context," interacting with its local multicultural population.
It is located in the northern part of Be'er-Sheva, the capital of the Negev, where Jewish and Bedouin live side by side.

The Negev is the southern region of the country, mostly desert, covering about sixty percent of Israel.

Kaye College builds educational programs which advance knowledge of, and responsibility for the surrounding human capital, and graduates serve as models for community involvement through activities related to place, time and culture, and pedagogies that empower students intellectually, socially and emotionally, are formed.

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המכללה האקדמית לחינוך ע"ש קיי בבאר-שבע, בע"מ
מבית הסוכנות היהודית
טלפון : 08-6402795 | פקס : 08-6413020 | רחוב עזריאל ניצני 6 , ת"ד 4301 באר שבע 8414201

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