

New international partnership with Erasmus+


Innovative technological pedagogy in higher education

VOLCANIC website is now live and accessible at


Kaye College team: Dr. Shimon Fogel (head of the project), Dr. Merav Asaf, Dr. Lior Solomovich

Also participating: Dr. Salah Abu-Hamad, Mrs. Samar Aldinah.

The 21st century confronts higher education institutions' (HEI) staff and social and educational policy makers with the challenge to adjust existing curricula and teaching methods to improve the level of competence, skills and the employability prospects of their students. The Volcanic project aims to train HEIs and K6-K12 teachers to master effective pedagogies for using Computational Thinking (CT) to incorporate ICT in their teaching. As the Moroccan and Israeli HEIs participating in this project teach mainly disadvantaged populations – the Bedouins in Israel and scattered populations in Morocco – we will focus also on the special needs of these populations and the conditions upon which they could acquire proper skills and knowledge to use ICT in their learning.

The need to boost the use of ICT in the Moroccan and Israeli HEIs is evident and declared a national mission in both countries. Overall, 500 disadvantaged students from remote areas, 200 K6-K12 teachers and 50 HEI teachers are expected to benefit from the work and results of this project. Nine partners – 3 Moroccan, 3 Israeli and 3 EU HEIs – will join forces in the project to fulfil this mission through the design and piloting of 12 courses, establishing learning spaces in HEIs, and training K6-K12 teachers.

The project's sustainability and impact will be achieved through the dissemination of its results on national and international digital learning platforms. Furthermore, some of the courses to be developed and implemented are planned to be adopted by the involved HEIs as an integral, accredited part of their permanent curricula and offered to external institutions for utilization in their learning environments, thus adding to the expected legacy of VOLCANIC. Besides all the above, this project will certainly become a milestone in the Israeli-Moroccan cooperation, inspiring other countries in the region to follow its steps in comparable endeavours.

Partners in this project:

Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal – Coordinator

Ecole Privee Superieure d'Ingenierie Numerique et des Systemes d'Intelligence Artificielle, Morocco

La Fondation Tamkine, Pour l'Excellence et la Créativité, Morocco

Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, Poland

Kaye Academic College of Education, Israel

Sapir Academic College, Israel

The Mofet Institute – The School for Ther Research and Development of Programs in Teacher Training and Education at Colleges, Israel

Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Morocco

Memorial wall of  students and families from Kaye College, victims of the October 7th war

On October 7th 2024 Jews, Arabs, Bedouins, Thai and people of other nationalities were kidnapped from

their homes in Israel by the Terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza.

They have been kept in hiding, starving, and desperate for rescue for 209 days now.

We must bring them home.


by Dr. Merav Asaf

Recently, there has been significant progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies include natural language-based chats and image generators. Using AI tools can enrich and improve learning, and instruction. For example, teachers can use AI tools for creating learning activities and adapt the content and activities to the needs and pace of each student. In addition, virtual teaching assistants can provide immediate feedback to students and answer personal questions. 

There are several courses and workshops dealing with this issue aimed for the professional development of pre-service and in-service teachers and for the academic and administrative staff, thus promoting knowledge and awareness regarding the challenges and benefits of AI generative tools.

Help us help them 💪
In August 2023, a delegation of students from Kaye College and Oranim College will go to Uganda in cooperation with Helpup.
As educators, the members of the delegation chose to engage in everything related to improving the learning conditions of boys and girls. Initiated by Kaye Student Body, and Shvilim Program for ulternative teaching with the environment.
For extra resources for building and renovating the schools:

Impressions from the latest Hackathon held at the English Department.

By ETA Roderick Selman

From an energetic start to an incredible finish, the English Department Hackathon at Kaye Academic College was one I will never forget. The English faculty opened with head of the department Irena Lavi briefing the students on the days plan. Thereafter Prof. Lavi introduced Fulbright ETA Roderick Selman to present a lecture on integrity as an individual, student, and teacher. The lecture began with thoughtful points on what integrity is, how to practice it, and how to set a personal example of integrity no matter where someone is in life. This was met with ecstatic energy from the students as they quickly called out correct answers to questions and diligently took notes.

            Upon the end of the lecture, the real fun began! The English faculty quickly took the stage and laid out the day’s plan to the students. The student body was divided into three main groups, each group pertaining to a specific project. The first project was to create a poster advertising for the college’s English department. The second being to create a podcast discussing life on campus and how it truly feels to be a student at Kaye. The last project was to create a video giving physical perspective into the students’ lives and life on campus.

            The lunch provided was a beautiful intertwining of cultures as students brought traditional Arab dishes such as Maqluba and Fattoush, combined with delicious homemade potato salad and casserole provided by the Jewish students. It was a wonderful display of cultural exchange as every student proudly described their homemade dish to one another and recipes were swapped. There was a full stomach and smile on the face of every student.

            Lastly, the greatest experience of the entire day was the final presentations. The work ethic of the students was brought to full view as the faculty and respective groups were left awe struck at each presentation. Each presentation consisted of ingenious ideas towards publicity for the college and promotion of its English department that the students so clearly love. At the end of presentations there had been an exchange of tears, smiles, laughs, and a palpable sense of oneness within the room. By the end of the day, the students and faculty had reached a common love for one another through their directed love towards the English department.

Read more about Rod Selman

1st Sderot Conference at Kaye College.

One week before the elections to the 25th Knesset – The 19th Sderot Conference for Society and Education took place on October 25, 2022. Present were party chairs, public figures, senior academics and industry CEOs in Israel.

The 19th Sderot Conference for Society and Education was held for the first time at the campus of Kaye Academic College of Education in Be'er Sheva. The Conference took place on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, with the participation of political figures including the chairs of the political parties who ran in the last elections to the 25th Knesset, public figures, senior academics and industry CEOs in Israel. It was a very honorable opportunity for Kaye College to plan and initiate this Conference.
The conference dealt with the issues at the top of the public agenda in the fields of society, education, security, economy, law, religion and state, and more.
The conference topics were:
Education in Israel, the climate crisis, the political crisis and the issue of changing the system of government, Jewish-Arab relations in Israel, the cost of living, the housing crisis, the mental health epidemic, the future of young people in Israel, conversion reform, Israel-US relations and more.
During the conference, the findings of a national survey concerning the attitudes of parents of school-age children regarding the policies and functionality of the education system will be revealed, and at the end of the conference, the prestigious "Social Exemplar Award" was awarded under the auspices of the Council for Higher Education (MALAG), given by the National Council for Volunteering to entrepreneurs in the field of Education and Society.
The Sderot Conference was founded in 2003 by Major General (Res.) Uzi Dayan. After 18 years of partnership with Sapir College, the conference is renewed under the auspices of Kaye Academic College of Education in Be'er Sheva, one of the five largest academic colleges of education in Israel, and the only one in the south.

The Inter-College Forum for


Kaye Academic College of Education and The Mofet Institute are proud to present an innovative and unique International Virtual Conference about "The Third Mission."

This mission refers to the communal context of the academic institution (social, cultural, environmental) and to its actions in this setting, meaning its responsibility for the well-being of the community.

Click HERE for submission of proposal

Click HERE for PDF download of the call for proposal

A new and exciting online collaboration has started in the academic year of 2020-2021, between Kaye Academic College of Education and Kosygin Russian State University (link to the University’s site). The participants in this joint projects include Israeli students at Kaye College, studying in the course Hebrew as a Second Language in an online environment in the Department of Hebrew Language led by Dr. Irena Blanky-Karlin, and Russian students, studying at the The Kosygin State University of Russia, Department of Philology and Linguoculturology, led by Dr. Yulia Kondrakov.READ MORE

Kaye College Faculty Members Participation at the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation International Forum on Children's Development

November 2020

Soong Ching Ling International Forum on Children's Development was successfully held in Beijing on November 19-20, 2020.

The Forum presented a collection of 15 academic research papers from Israeli scholars and domestic scholars. One of these papers, titled "Learning from Screen Media in Early Childhood: A Double-Edged Sword," was written by Kaye College professor, Dr. Yehuda Bar-Lev, together with his colleague, Prof. Nelly Elias from Ben Gurion University.. READ MORE

From the beginning of March 2020, Kaye College has moved to distance learning, due to the spread of the Corona Virus in Israel. Faculty members had an infrastructure of knowledge about online courses, but mostly about non-synchronous courses. Thus the College prepared for continuous professional development for the faculty in aspects of distance and synchronous teaching and learning, synchronous and non-synchronous, including changing the assessment and evaluation methods that would suit distance teaching at this time.

In preparation for the 2021 school year, Kaye Academic College of Education has organized in a variety of ways, all in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health: face-to-face teaching in small groups, synchronous and non-synchronous distance teaching, as well as hybrid teaching, which allows having simultaneous video streaming classes where some students study on campus while others participate online.

Kaye College places great emphasis on deepening aspects of the sense of connection and belonging and the emotional well-being of faculty and students during this challenging and complex period, through a variety of distant social activities. The College's graduation ceremonies will also be held remotely this year. Special attention is given to ensuring equality and reducing gaps that may arise between students who have full access and those who have partial access to distant learning. For that end, Kaye College is lending digital devices to students at-need and has established an aid fund for students who have lost their source of livelihood.


Promoting Mentors’ Work in Education

Since the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year, Kaye Academic College of Education has been collaborating in an international project called PROMENTORS, which is a part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program..READ MORE

TOOLS-Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education


The ultimate aim of the project is to raise EFL pre-service and in-service teachers awareness of educational inclusion issues in mainstream education, promote social inclusion among   “learners from multicultural backgrounds” READ MORE

In the school year 2017-2018, Kaye Academic College of Education opened a new academic program, in cooperation with the institute for democratic Education.

The program is called "Netivim" and is being led by Ms. Aya Rimon, graduate of the Mandel Foundation for Educational Leadership, initiated and led a variety of educational programs that dealt with developing social-environmental leadership in the Bedouin community in the Negev. The program is designated for pioneering youth (ages 18-24), who wish to be environmental leaders, Geography teachers and to promote educational initiatives in non-formal education.

42 young students (30 of them women) from Bedouin communities in the Negev began their 4 year program in October 2017.

The main emphasis of the program is on an in-depth knowledge of social-environmental issues in the Negev, combined with tours and learning through experience. The program places an emphasis on democratic pedagogy training via 'hothouses', acquaintance with possible types of dialogue and development of democratic education oriented thinking.

In the framework of their practical experience, which is part of the student's academic learning, the students will be integrated in social programs in local community centers, in local municipalities and in various social organizations.

In this program the students will study in a double major track, with two specialties:

  • Specialization in non-formal education, with an emphasis on youth and community
  • Specialization in geography, with an emphasis on human-cultural geography and location based learning.

Kaye College is proud to announce the acceptance of a new Erasmus Plus project the college is involved in, titled PROTEACH. The project's goald are developing a model for induction, to enhance beginning teachers' retention at school. Its main objective is to foster change in teachers' education curriculum of HEI in Israel towards further involvement in schools together with schools' management and educational policy makers. includes 11 institution partners and 6 schools. 

According to the terms of the project, lecturers at Kaye Academic College are eligible for a mobility grant to Opole University for five days in the second semester of the 2018/19 academic year.

For requirements specifications download this document.

During the month of March, 2016 we had the pleasure of having two international visits at the college:

Prof. Pauline Kollontai and Dr. Susan Yore from York St. John University, and Ms. Jade White of High Tech High in San Diego. 

Guest Visitors
Guest Visitors

Congratulation to Dr. Haya Kaplan whose talk “Needs supporting environment and autonomous motivation in teaching of novice teachers: description of Kaye Induction Unit in Israel and research results” has been accepted for the 2016 6th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory to be held in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Dr. Haya Kaplan, Head of the Center

During 2015 and 2016 seven college teams went on study visits in various Europena institutions, in order to promote international academic collaborations. Four more teams are expected to visit abroad in the next few months…

Faculty Study Visitis

Kaye College is currently involved in a new collaborative project funded by the European Union Project IN2IT (Internationalization by Innovative Technology). Project IN2IT offers an innovative approach to effectively address the need to internationalization in HEIs.

Project IN2IT
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