The Office of International Academic Relations

Fostering Internationalization


The Office of International Academic Relations is responsible for developing and sustaining academic partnerships which enable the college to promote its vision of internationalization.

The Office fulfills an important, critical role in ensuring the continued development of the College’s extensive programs in order to actualize its vision and achieve its goals.

The Office works side by side the Office of External Relations & Resource Development. It is directly subordinate to the President of the College and is responsible for implementing the policies set forth by the College administration in areas related to the development of academic partnerships and collaborations.

Responsibilities of the International Academic Relations Office include:

  • Managing and overseeing international academic activity at the college
  • Producing, centralizing and managing documentation related to internationalization: agreements, formal letters, legal documents
  • Arranging for incoming and outgoing visits
  • Managing faculty teams: leading core team, selected teams going on study visits
  • Advocacy and dissemination: newsletter, website, social media, meetings with faculty members
  • Assistance to faculty members in forming and sustaining international relations.

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Contact Information

Dr. Liron Ohayon-Shokty
Dr. Liron Ohayon-Shokty

Dr. Liron Ohayon-Shokty

Head, Office of International Academic Relations

Phone 1: +972-8-8608924

Phone 2: +972-8-8608922 (secretary)

Main Building, Room 321

6 Azriel Nitzani St. P.O.B. 4301

Beer-Sheva 84536 Israel

Please fill in your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

המכללה האקדמית לחינוך ע"ש קיי בבאר-שבע, בע"מ
מבית הסוכנות היהודית
טלפון : 08-6402795 | פקס : 08-6413020 | רחוב עזריאל ניצני 6 , ת"ד 4301 באר שבע 8414201

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